Our Global Treasury Operations team provides treasury services and resources for managing university bank accounts, acceptable payment methods, and credit card acceptance/merchant services.
Common Tasks
More Tasks
Accepting Wires, Checks, or Cash
- Identify, Accept, or Deposit a Foreign Check
- Complete 3rd Party Payer's Supplier Form (ServiceNow form)
- Confirm Cash and Cash Application (ServiceNow form)
- Request Bank Wire Transfer Instructions (ACH/Wire/EFT) (ServiceNow form)
Managing Bank Accounts
- Add Banking Portal Users (ServiceNow form)
- Modify Banking Portal Users (ServiceNow form)
- Remove Banking Portal Users (ServiceNow form)
- Reset Banking Portal User Password (ServiceNow form)
- Close a Bank Account
- Open a Bank Account
Making Payments and Transfers
Managing a Merchant Account
Additional Resources
- Cash and Check Handling Policy (University Policies)
- Bank Account Policy (University Policies)