What We Do
The Office of the Controller is responsible for managing and supporting the overall financial activities of the University. This includes:
- providing timely and accurate fiscal information to the Columbia community and external parties;
- managing internal controls to ensure compliance with best practice accounting principles and federal and state regulations;
- mitigating risk;
- ensuring that all accounting records are accurate and up-to-date;
- safeguarding the assets of the University;
- supporting students through billing, payment, and financial aid services; and
- developing and maintaining systems and reporting tools to provide high-quality financial information that supports the University’s strategic management initiatives.
Our Functional Units
The Controller’s Office encompasses several different units, each focused on specific tasks.
Other Activities
The Controller’s Office is dedicated to supporting the teaching, research, and service missions of the Columbia community by providing efficient services and easy access to information and resources, and by promoting the financial health and security of each unit and of the University as a whole. We also provide our users with best-practice financial support, guidance, and consultation.