Learn Common Procurement Processes and Key AP Terms
Learn about common procurement processes and key terms for Accounts Payable at Columbia University.
Administrators are responsible for complying with the University’s procurement policies and processes. Specifically, they must comply with the University’s purchasing policies and procedures, which are available in at University Policies.
In addition, when procuring with federally awarded funds, Administrators must comply with U.S. government regulations such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and OMB Circular A-110. It is the responsibility of PIs, Administrators, and their designees to be familiar with the funding agencies’ requirements. They must ensure that federal funds are not used to buy from federally debarred vendors and are not used for prohibited and restricted goods and services.
Administrators are encouraged to take full advantage of the resources offered by the Purchasing Office in order to obtain the best possible value for every expenditure of University funds. CU Purchasing facilitates the purchasing process by negotiating University-wide Purchasing Agreements (UwPAs), serving as a resource to schools and their units as they are preparing to make purchases, and working cooperatively with purchasers to ensure that larger purchases are controlled, executed, and consistently documented in accordance with the University’s policies.
In addition, Administrators may wish to consult with Accounts Payable regarding disbursements, and Internal Audit regarding internal controls and conflict of interest.
Things to Remember
- Follow sponsor restrictions on procurement and obtain prior approval from the funding agency when required.
- Whenever possible, use the proper University purchasing mechanism.
- Use P-Cards as the preferred purchasing mechanism for most goods and minor equipment valued at $2,500 or less, and for certain larger purchases that do not require a Central Purchase Order
- Do not break up purchases into smaller transactions in order to avoid purchasing requirements for large-dollar procurements.
- When stated competitive requirements are not met, document the extenuating circumstances as part of creating a requisition.
- Prior to processing payments, verify that the requested goods and services have been received in accordance with the contract documents.
Administrators should be aware that the use of UwPAs is strongly recommended at Columbia University. UwPAs are suppliers that have been awarded a University contract through a competitive or negotiated process managed by CU Purchasing and maintain a “Preferred” supplier status at Columbia. Benefits of utilizing a UwPA are:
- Easier access to these suppliers through designated customer service and sales representatives
- Ability to place orders at higher transaction limits that do not require CU Purchasing review or approval
- Enhanced service levels
- Better than competitive pricing
- UwPAs can be found through the Buying Guide.
The University uses purchase orders and other mechanisms such as credit/purchasing cards (P-Cards), checks, or cash to purchase goods and services on the University’s behalf for business purposes.
Administrators are responsible for ensuring that the most appropriate University mechanism is used when purchasing goods and services with University funds.
The University’s Procurement Mechanisms Policy is designed to maximize the efficiency and convenience of the purchasing process, consistent with good business practices, and in full compliance with applicable regulations. The policy provides guidance concerning the choice of the most appropriate procurement mechanism, as summarized in the sub-sections below. Of special note:
- Those engaged in purchasing should be thoroughly familiar with the full text of the policy and should also review the University’s Buying Guide, which assists with selecting the best mechanism for procurement of products, services, and vendors.
- University policy forbids splitting large dollar-amount purchases into multiple installations to allow use of procurement mechanisms such as petty cash and P-Cards that exist to facilitate small transactions. For instance, a supply bulk order must not be broken into multiple orders.
- For procurement associated with international projects, please see the International Operations website.
- Term
- Budget Checking
- Definition
- Enables users to control commitments and expenditures automatically by checking them against predefined, authorized budgets.
- Term
- Combination Edits
- Definition
- The process of editing journal lines for valid ChartField combinations based on university-defined rules.
- Term
- Control Group
- Definition
- Vouchers that are interfaced from external systems will be loaded into a Control Group to be verified by an appropriate department approver to validate the total voucher count and dollar amount loaded from the file. Control Groups will be loaded into the system with a ‘Ready to Review’ status. Once the Control Group is verified, users will change status from ‘Ready to Review’ to ‘Verified’. Upon status change, vouchers will be approved and will be available to be posted and paid.
- Term
- Duplicate Invoice Checking
- Definition
- Part of the matching process is to check that vouchers are not matching up with multiple invoices. This ensures that invoices within the system are not duplicates.
- Term
- Entry Status
- Definition
- Indicates whether a voucher has been deleted, is postable, or has a recycle error that needs to be corrected.
- Term
- Financial Sanctions
- Definition
- Ensures vendors are validated against the Federal Government Financial Sanctions List.
- Term
- Matching
- Definition
- The matching process compares vouchers with purchase orders (2-way) and receiving (3-way) documents. This ensures that you pay for only the goods and services that you order and receive.
- Term
- Pay Cycle
- Definition
- Generates payments through a standard process: 1. Selection 2. Creation 3. Approval 4. Process Generation
- Term
- Post
- Definition
- A voucher that is posted has passed all system validations and is ready for a payment to be generated and distributed from the voucher.
- Term
- Postable
- Definition
- The voucher has passed all validations on the data entered on the voucher, including chartfields. Once a voucher is Postable, it can be posted to the GL after all approvals have been given. If the validation is unsuccessful, the voucher will go into a Recycled status, which prevents the voucher from being posted to the GL until the errors have been addressed.
- Term
- Pre-Edit Errors
- Definition
- Vouchers that fail edit check due to invalid data are stored on the Voucher Build staging table as a “Pre-Edit Error”.
- Term
- Recycle Errors
- Definition
- A voucher with a status of ‘Recycle’ lets you save the data. However, it cannot be paid or posted until the error is corrected.
- Term
- Security
- Definition
- Controls what level of access a user can have to pages and data in the system. Security ensures that the right people have access to the system screens and data to perform their job functions.
- Term
- SpeedChart
- Definition
- A user-defined shorthand key that designates several ChartKeys to be used for voucher entry.
- Term
- Unpost
- Definition
- The Central Voucher Administrator must Unpost a voucher in order to update voucher information as applicable. Once the voucher has been selected to be unposted, the user can indicate the accounting and reversal accounting dates before selecting Unpost.
- Term
- Vendor Conversations
- Definition
- The Voucher Build process validates the transaction data for pre-edit and recycle error and builds vouchers within the voucher tables.
- Term
- Voucher Build
- Definition
- The Voucher Build process validates the transaction data for pre-edit and recycle error and builds vouchers within the voucher tables
- Term
- Voucher Build Error Detail
- Definition
- Users with the appropriate security level will be required to review and resolve any voucher data that was not successfully processed through the interface files through the Voucher Build Error Detail page.
- Term
- Voucher Styles
- Definition
- The voucher style will vary based on the transaction type and purpose of the voucher. Voucher styles include – PO voucher, non-PO voucher, adjustment voucher, template voucher, reversal voucher, journal voucher, and single pay voucher.
- Term
- Withholding Mismatch Report
- Definition
- ARC will create a Withholding Mismatch report automatically each day. This report will help users identify voucher lines where the withholding flag does not match the vendor withholding flags.
- Term
- Withholding Post
- Definition
- The Withholding Post process combines the voucher and payment information in the withholding/reporting transaction along with the following fields: 1099 type, 1099 code, reportable indicator, description, IRS file type, filing option, payer address, tax payer ID number, and transmitter control code.
- Term
- Workflow
- Definition
- The routing of roles based on rules. Automatic, rule-based routing to pre-determined users based on criteria such as role, department, commodity, account, and dollar amount.
- Term
- Worklist
- Definition
- Informs users what transactions have been routed to them for approval/further action.
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