Take Required Trainings
The Columbia University Effort Reporting Policy includes training requirements for both administrators and faculty, as described below.
Includes all Officers of Instruction and Officers of Research (other than postdocs) who participate in any sponsored projects.
Training Title and Description
Compensation, Sponsored Projects, and Effort Reporting
This course is mandatory for all faculty who receive sponsored research support. It will familiarize faculty with federal regulations and Columbia University policies and procedures that govern the compensation on sponsored projects.Format
- Online course Available in RASCAL ~ 60 minutes
- Mandatory - Once
Training Title and Description
Compensation, Sponsored Projects, and Effort Reporting for International Hires
This course is intended for international (outside the United States) faculty who receive sponsored research support. It will familiarize faculty with federal regulations and Columbia University policies and procedures that govern compensation on sponsored projects.Format
- Online course Available in RASCAL
- Mandatory - Once
Training Title and Description
ECRT System Resources
These resources will familiarize faculty with ECRT (Effort Certification and Reporting Technology). They provide step-by-step instructions on using the ECRT system to certify for self and others.Format
- Multiple Resources
- Optional
Training Title and Description
Effort Reporting Refresher FAQs
- Resource
- Optional
Training Title and Description
Compensation, Sponsored Projects, and Effort Reporting and ECRT System Training
This course is mandatory for all new effort coordinators. It will familiarize effort coordinators with federal regulations and Columbia University policies and procedures that govern effort reporting and certification. It will also introduce effort coordinators to the ECRT system and will provide step-by-step instructions on using the system to complete the certification process.Format
- In-person course email a request for additional information ~ 2 hours
- Mandatory - Once
Training Title and Description
Refresher Training
This course is required for all effort coordinators who have previously attended the full Effort Coordinator training.Format
- In-person course email a request for additional information ~ 1 hour
- Mandatory - Annually
Still have questions?
Email us at [email protected].