Project Closure
Learn about the project closure process on sponsored projects at Columbia University.
Once a sponsored project has been fully reconciled, paid and reported, it is ready to undergo the project closure process. Principal Investigators (PIs) and Departmental Administrators (DAs) are required to participate in the final reconciliation and closure process as outlined within the expenditure finalization and validation procedure and this task.
In order for a project to be ready for closure, it must be fully reconciled, paid and reported. Full reconciliation means that:
- all expenditures have been finalized and validated;
- all payments have been received and applied, and if necessary, all collections activity has concluded;
- all pre-paid vouchers, petty cash, and open encumbrances have been cleared;
- all deliverables and other financial closeout reports have been filed;
- if there is an overrun, it has been removed;
- if there is an unspent balance, the budget has been reduced to match expenses; and,
- if there is excess cash, it has been returned to the sponsor or retained in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement.
Prompt reconciliation of the project upon expiration is critical to ensure that projects are compliant, that all payments have been received, and that the project is able to be closed in a timely manner.
Once the project is fully reconciled and finalized, Sponsored Projects Finance will change the ARC project status to closed, so that no further activity may take place on the project.
- Sponsored Projects Handbook (handbook)
Contact your Sponsored Projects Finance (SPF) Finance and Compliance Manager for information about the project closure process.
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