Decapitalize an Endowment

Learn about decapitalizing endowments at Columbia University.


Decapitalization, also known as "decapping" is appropriating for expenditure the net appreciation, reinvested income, and/or principal from an endowment fund beyond the amount distributed as a result of the spending rule. See the University policy, Decapitalizing Endowment Accounts, for details.

For your understanding of the full decapitalization process, use this process map to view the steps required to decapitalize an endowment.

To decapitalize an endowment, complete the following:

Submit Decap Requests (with attached forms) to Endowment Compliance at [email protected].


Specific inquiries should be directed as follows:

Questions regarding the financial administration of endowment and gift funds:

Office of the Controller
Contact: Jacqueline Erickson
Director, Endowment and Gift Administration and Compliance
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 854-9689

Questions regarding legal issues (e.g., legal interpretation of terms and restrictions, modifying restrictions):

Office of the General Counsel
Contact: Remi Silverman
Associate General Counsel
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 854-0287

In addition, the Office of University Compliance provides a compliance hotline website for confidential, anonymous and open communication of any compliance concerns or suspicions of business misconduct.


For comprehensive guidance on how to manage and spend endowment funds, the University has developed the following policies:



To access your Term Sheets, visit

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