Technology and Business Products Sourcing

Learn about the purchasing category Technology and Business Products Sourcing at Columbia University.

Use the Good and Services Catalog to locate typical product and service categories or suppliers that have preferred University contracts.


The Technology and Business Products Sourcing Team is responsible for negotiating and managing the procurement of the following products and services for the University:

For a comprehensive list, please refer to the Buying Guide.

Please refer to our list of off-site Master Agreements for venues that have be previously vetted and approved by the University.  Engaging these venues ensures an expedited contract process.

Otherwise, please refer to the attached Event Contract Process Memo for direction as it relates to Event Contracts.

Many of these products and services are supported by suppliers that have been contracted by the University under University-wide Purchasing Agreements (UwPA’s) that afford the best value to Columbia customers. The use of UwPA’s are strongly recommended by the University and consistent with the University competitive sourcing policy.

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