Request Evidence of Insurance

Learn about requesting evidence of insurance, sometimes referred to as a Certificate of Insurance (COI), at Columbia University.

Columbia University is often requested by outside parties to provide evidence of the University’s insurance coverage in conjunction with the leasing or temporary use of equipment or property. Examples of situations where the University may be required to provide evidence of insurance are as follows:

  • Using an off-campus location to hosting an event, ceremony, athletic event, theatre production, practice space, job fair, etc.
  • Leasing or renting equipment, motor vehicle(s), or real estate
  • Institutions accepting CU internships or practicum placements
  • Grant subawards

Memorandums of Insurance (MOI)

Columbia University has discontinued issuing individual COIs in favor of the new industry standard—a Memorandum of Insurance (MOI). Risk Management has provided on-line access to the University's MOI, which evidences our insurance policies, coverage terms, and limits. Aside from a difference of terminology, an MOI differs from a COI in that it doesn't contain a signature, the specific certificate holder's name, or the notice of cancellation provision. Nevertheless, the MOI is universally accepted as a legitimate substitute for a COI as evidence of coverage.

To access the University’s current MOI, please click here.

Certificates of Insurance (COI)

COIs are controversial because, while they are used as a proof of insurance, they are not a valid proof of insurance coverage; however, many people treat them as such and will argue at great length about the language included on the certificate. Issuing and tracking certificates can take a lot of time and be quite expensive without adding value to any process. Because of this, and due to their lack of legal merit, Columbia University has discontinued issuing certificates of insurance. However, the University will continue to provide evidence of insurance and meet the terms of legally binding contracts and agreements.

Still have questions?

Contact [email protected].